What Time are YOU Available?
DJs and photographers. Both can make or break your wedding memories.
The same can be said about every aspect of the wedding when you’re detail-obsessive like us, but for now we’re just focusing on these two.
The hardest part is coordinating our schedules to find a time when we are free – at the same time. We’ll be throwing a good-bye party for our free time at the Sox game tomorrow night. The party will involve hot dogs, beer and the lesser of Chicago’s baseball teams.
Gavin is heading up project DJ. Members: Gavin and Laura
He has been researching and contacting DJs in the area all week trying to find a few good men (there aren’t any female ones so far) for us to meet that seem like a good fit according to Web sites. We’re passing on the one that offers a free meal to get to know your DJ (what’s in this meatloaf?). Gavin is still considering the Chris Farley sweat-alike.
We’re meeting with Greg from AdmitOne DJs on Saturday morning. Greg is the guy we met at the Bridal Expo that we liked instantly. He seemed… normal. Maybe even funny. He played the Humpty Dance for us and gave Gavin trouble about choosing a song for the traditional mother/son dance. (To Greg’s credit, when he asked us to come up with a song, any song, to prove their digital database was top-notch, I came up with this tune thanks to a hilarious article I had read earlier that day. We probably won’t be playing the Humpty Dance at the wedding.)
If all goes well, we get a discount for signing up with AdmitOne before the end of the month. We’re not giving in to their sly tactics if they don’t seem to be on top of their stuff, however.
Laura is heading up project photography. Members: Laura and Gavin
Taking Gavin’s suggestion to line up appointments with the expensive photographers first as a point of reference for the process, we have meetings set up with two photographers in the city next week. Neither is convenient, but if hired, they’ll have to come to us for the wedding.
The list of photographers definitely needs to be narrowed down further before I drive Gavin mad with a hunt to find the best in 10 appointments with photographers. There should be a medal for the groom that endures that, and we can’t afford medals so we’ll just have to make some cuts.
We’re looking for someone who offers a smart mix of photojournalism, artistic shots, the ability to take portraits that don’t make people look contorted and uncomfortable and someone who can show the big picture of the day all at the same time. It sounds like high expectations, but they’re out there. They just cost a lot. Recommendations of fabulous photographers who deliver on time are welcome! Maggie’s list gave us an amazing start.
Updates will be posted soon since these appointments will probably lend themselves to a lot of material.
While waiting for said updates… this is your chance to do the hump. Do the humpty hump. It’s like a poetic throwback to high school dances. You’ll have it in your head all day.
The same can be said about every aspect of the wedding when you’re detail-obsessive like us, but for now we’re just focusing on these two.
The hardest part is coordinating our schedules to find a time when we are free – at the same time. We’ll be throwing a good-bye party for our free time at the Sox game tomorrow night. The party will involve hot dogs, beer and the lesser of Chicago’s baseball teams.
Gavin is heading up project DJ. Members: Gavin and Laura
He has been researching and contacting DJs in the area all week trying to find a few good men (there aren’t any female ones so far) for us to meet that seem like a good fit according to Web sites. We’re passing on the one that offers a free meal to get to know your DJ (what’s in this meatloaf?). Gavin is still considering the Chris Farley sweat-alike.
We’re meeting with Greg from AdmitOne DJs on Saturday morning. Greg is the guy we met at the Bridal Expo that we liked instantly. He seemed… normal. Maybe even funny. He played the Humpty Dance for us and gave Gavin trouble about choosing a song for the traditional mother/son dance. (To Greg’s credit, when he asked us to come up with a song, any song, to prove their digital database was top-notch, I came up with this tune thanks to a hilarious article I had read earlier that day. We probably won’t be playing the Humpty Dance at the wedding.)
If all goes well, we get a discount for signing up with AdmitOne before the end of the month. We’re not giving in to their sly tactics if they don’t seem to be on top of their stuff, however.
Laura is heading up project photography. Members: Laura and Gavin
Taking Gavin’s suggestion to line up appointments with the expensive photographers first as a point of reference for the process, we have meetings set up with two photographers in the city next week. Neither is convenient, but if hired, they’ll have to come to us for the wedding.
The list of photographers definitely needs to be narrowed down further before I drive Gavin mad with a hunt to find the best in 10 appointments with photographers. There should be a medal for the groom that endures that, and we can’t afford medals so we’ll just have to make some cuts.
We’re looking for someone who offers a smart mix of photojournalism, artistic shots, the ability to take portraits that don’t make people look contorted and uncomfortable and someone who can show the big picture of the day all at the same time. It sounds like high expectations, but they’re out there. They just cost a lot. Recommendations of fabulous photographers who deliver on time are welcome! Maggie’s list gave us an amazing start.
Updates will be posted soon since these appointments will probably lend themselves to a lot of material.
While waiting for said updates… this is your chance to do the hump. Do the humpty hump. It’s like a poetic throwback to high school dances. You’ll have it in your head all day.
At April 14, 2006 7:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
HEY! Take it easy on the "lesser" stuff! They did win the WORLD FRICKING SERIES!!! You may not have realized this, Laura, but we are SOX Fans. (Note the capital letters. They denote emphasis.) Gavin, I am ashamed that you allowed that to be posted....You can't see this, but you are both receiving the "Wagging Finger of Shame" (Watch the Steven Colbert Report for further explanation...)
At April 14, 2006 8:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
JR would like to cross-reference the wagging finger of shame with Ebert and Roper as well...
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