Just Put Down the Registry Gun, and Walk Away… Steady Now.
We headed to Bed Bath & Beyond to finally start the registry process. We headed to the back of the store to fill out our paperwork and get the tutorial on how to use their scanning gun to fill up our registry. I was uber excited for this part since I haven’t gotten to scan anything since my Hallmark days, but they handed the gun
over to Gavin instead making it very clear that most guys find it really fun. From the way it was handled, you could the assumption was that the only fun part for the guy was the scanning.
The employees introduced us to every sales associate in the pots and pans area so that they could help us, brought us bottles of water (luxe!) and then left us to go scan crazy.
The togetherness achieved during the couples’ retreat shattered in a nanosecond.
Gavin’s style of shopping is typical male. He sees the shelf of items, scans it quickly and just gets whatever looks best. Done in 5 seconds for better or worse.
My style is typical female. I see the shelf of items, then the entire department of that item, and scan it all quickly to see where to start. I then consider all the options, reading tags and boxes as I go to make sure I’m getting THE best for my money. Like the savvy shopper of my generation, I prefer to preface any purchase more important than toilet paper with Internet research as well… although even paper goods require a price comparison and consideration sometimes. (Gotta get two-ply!)
It’s like George Bush and Ralph Nadar going to the mall to shop for political solutions. Extreme shopping views.
We didn’t scan any of the pots or pans b/c he got fed up and I felt the need to consult with the Internet and cooks in our families. We were already bickering and Gavin was already checking his watch and using one-word sentences. This is 10 minutes in.
On to bake ware, I suggested. Surely cookie sheets and kitchen gadgets can’t be hard!

The employees introduced us to every sales associate in the pots and pans area so that they could help us, brought us bottles of water (luxe!) and then left us to go scan crazy.
The togetherness achieved during the couples’ retreat shattered in a nanosecond.
Gavin’s style of shopping is typical male. He sees the shelf of items, scans it quickly and just gets whatever looks best. Done in 5 seconds for better or worse.
My style is typical female. I see the shelf of items, then the entire department of that item, and scan it all quickly to see where to start. I then consider all the options, reading tags and boxes as I go to make sure I’m getting THE best for my money. Like the savvy shopper of my generation, I prefer to preface any purchase more important than toilet paper with Internet research as well… although even paper goods require a price comparison and consideration sometimes. (Gotta get two-ply!)
It’s like George Bush and Ralph Nadar going to the mall to shop for political solutions. Extreme shopping views.
We didn’t scan any of the pots or pans b/c he got fed up and I felt the need to consult with the Internet and cooks in our families. We were already bickering and Gavin was already checking his watch and using one-word sentences. This is 10 minutes in.
On to bake ware, I suggested. Surely cookie sheets and kitchen gadgets can’t be hard!
We fought over every. single. selection.
Apparently we don’t even have the same taste in can openers. Or, apparently we just like to argue. We are my grandparents already… at least they made it 50+ years!
We left the store with a handful of things on the registry and Gavin late for THE fantasy football draft. Not ideal for either of us. We did, however, agree on a food processor - the one item we're registered for that neither of us knows how to use yet. Progress…
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