Aaaand We’re Back!
Sorry for the blatant disregard for our (apparent) wedding fan base. Just like Britney, we love you all and thank you for your support. We couldn’t do it without our fans. Unlike Britney, we won't cry all over national television. Just an alter in about nine months.
Until people started griping about the lack of recent posts, we had no idea so many people were actually checking this thing! If you don’t post, we don’t you’re out there (MOM… she refuses to post but checks every day. And now I guarantee I’ve embarrassed her. :)).
Anywho, we’ll try to be more diligent moving forward. What are you all going to when we’re actually married… I guess we could still post about thank you notes afterward.
At December 04, 2018 2:47 PM,
الشهاب said…
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